How do I become a member of Moran United Methodist Church?
Great question! We invite you to join us for worship, study, and fellowship so that you have a chance to get to know us and to see what God is up to in our midst. Our Lay Leader and current members would be happy to talk with you about what membership means and setting up a new member class.
Here are some of the basics:
Commit to Christ through Baptism
Baptism is a sacrament of the United Methodist Church and is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. Baptism connects us with the grace of God through both water and the Holy Spirit. If you have not been baptized, our church is ready to assist you in making this commitment.
If you would like to be baptized or to learn more, contact our office, and we can connect you with our Lay Leader.
Commit to the Church
Membership in the Christian church is about commitment to Christ, and as members we covenant to express that commitment through Christ’s body, the church. When you take the vows of membership, you make a covenant to uphold the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Membership also connects you more deeply with the faith community, which also makes a vow to each member to support and encourage them in their discipleship and growth.
Joining the church gives us the opportunity to grow in our relationships; our relationship with God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, our relationship with other believers and our relationship with those whom we serve in our community. While each member vows to uphold the church, vows are also made by the other members of the church to receive the new members, promising to support and encourage them in their discipleship and growth.
But membership isn't the end of your spiritual journey; it is a step along the way. We encourage you to find a small group or groups to grow with and engage actively in the life of the church through fellowship, worship, study, and fellowship. Share with us what you are looking for and discover your place in the body of Christ!
If you would like to become a member (or explore more in-depth), please connect with our office to find out when our next New Member Class will be held.
Are you already a member of a church, and would like to transfer your membership to Moran UMC?
If you have been baptized in another Christian church, then your baptism is accepted here and you will join by transfer of your membership from another denomination.
If the last church you were a member of was a United Methodist Church, then you will join by transfer of your membership from a United Methodist Church.
If you have questions about becoming a part of any of the vital ministries that God has empowered us here at Moran UMC please contact our office - we would love to set up a time to meet with you!
Moran United Methodist Church 3601 E 65th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223 | (509) 448-7102