1879 First school started in abandoned claim shack.
1880 Circuit Rider Milton S. Anderson starts preaching in school.
1889 Moran Wesley Memorial Church organized by W.S. Turner.
1891 First church built on land donated by J.J. Brown and constructed by volunteers.
1898 S.F. Coons becomes pastor. Quarterly conference meetings held at First Methodist, Spokane with Garden Springs, Jamison, and Medical Lake.
1910 Present day building constructed. Church dedicated on September 4.
1942 School destroyed by fire.
1958 Cross window installed and grounds landscaped.
1965 Conn organ purchased as a memorial to Kenneth Lawson and others.
1980 One-Hundredth anniversary.
1989 Second addition completed.
2012-13 Third addition completed.
The beginnings of what was then Moran Methodist Episcopal Church started as many new churches still do, by meeting in a local family’s home. For several years the small congregation met in the Weger’s home until they were large enough to become a part of a circuit. By 1880 that is just what happened and this congregation became a part of a circuit of churches, which included Rockford to the south and Jamieson to the west. These churches had one minister, a circuit riding minister, (as designed by our denomination’s founder, John Wesley), who rode on horse or buggy great distances and in all kinds of weather to preach the Word of God. It was often difficult and made great demands upon the health of the preacher. Since that first minister, there have been over 55 pastors who have served our church. Moran UMC is the oldest church in the greater Spokane area.
The first building was constructed in 1891 and parts of the original roof structure remain in use. The original church structure was what is presently the west room, the basement underneath it, the closet, and the front entryway. The present Sanctuary and Pastor's Office (the east room) was built in 1910 and was covered with brick. The alcove where the altar stands was originally a baptistery. The south end of the Sanctuary had triptych windows in gold, purple and green. They were removed both because the framework was rotting and because the colors made the pastor look sick. The present kitchen, offices and fellowship hall were built in 1989.
A parsonage was located on the site of the present picnic shelter. It was a two-story house and the pastor’s family lived there until 1960. Then it was rented and later sold for demolition. In 2013, the third addition was completed, adding a half-court gym and education wing where the parsonage once stood.
Our Beautiful Stained Glass Windows
In 1998, the church began replacing the single pane windows in the sanctuary with the stained glass windows you see today. Each window is a memorial and is based on a biblical scripture chosen by the family.
Moran United Methodist Church 3601 E 65th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223 | (509) 448-7102